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"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

- John Adams -

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The goal of this blog is to discuss politics, economics and social issues in a rational, fact-based manner.  We need to return to using arguments as a search for truth. We are not living in a 'post-truth world';  the truth is always there, it's just that too many people are unable or unwilling to see it.

I worked in the Alberta oil patch for 25 years as an accountant. I have a Bachelor's degree in business and a Master's degree in Political Science, both from the University of Calgary. I am a fan of the Boston Bruins, Alice Munro, mountains, Trash Panda, golf, Westerns and Village Ice Cream. 

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Law and Disorder

In the latest instalment of the As the Nuthouse Turns, we have the Freedumb Convoy, a collection of anti-vaxxers who have blockaded...

Off the Rails

In 1964, the Republican Party nominated the very conservative Barry Goldwater as their Presidential candidate, an event which is...

The Case for Proportional Representation

Our electoral systems in Canada at both the Federal and provincial level are Single Member Plurality (SMP), where the electorate is...

Things I Learned in 2021

Item: To become the mayor of the most conservative big city in Canada, you pretty much have to be a liberal. Calgary voted for a new...

The Most Dangerous Virus

Here is the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect: “Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer...

Have it Norway

Norway was recently voted the best country in the world for quality of life by the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). While...

The Slippery Slope Fallacy

I did my master’s thesis on political interest groups and one area I studied was gun rights groups in Canada and the US and their...

This Economy is Unsustainable - Part 3

Apple is one of the two most valuable companies in the world, with a market capitalization of $2.5 trillion, and its products are...

This Economy is Unsustainable - Part 2

When you buy something, you naturally look at the price. While you may not like the price, you are reasonably confident that the price is...

How to Make a Country

The electoral victory of the Reform Party in 1848 was perhaps the most significant turning point in Canadian history. Led by Robert...

This Economy is Unsustainable - Part 1

The economist David Ricardo came up with the Theory of Comparative Advantage over 200 years ago and it has never been disproven. I won't...

Things I learned from the 2021 Election

Item: The Conservative Party is the most incompetent political party in our recent history. It was really stupid of Trudeau to call this...

Everybody Plays the Fool

In 2003, my hometown was threatened by a massive wildfire. It went on for 26 days, led to two separate evacuations and scorched more than...

Vaccine Policies for Dummies

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has said his government will not be bringing in vaccine passports. I guess we should be grateful he's not...

The Past is Never Dead

I visited Brock‘s Monument, near Niagara-on-the-Lake, on a perfect Sunday afternoon. There were only a handful of people around, and some...

The Right is Almost Always Wrong

Unleaded gasoline, PCPs, no-fault divorce, civil rights, common law marriage, gay marriage, national parks, the bikini, child labour...

Macho Man Politics

Imagine if some CEO - say, Tim Cook of Apple - behaves in the following manner: He constantly bad mouths the company and tries to hide...

The Definition of Insanity

One thing about the times we live in is that pretty much all political debate sounds like a broken record. No matter how bad the...


All through the Covid pandemic, anti-mask and anti-lockdown demonstrations have taken place all over the world. While a solid majority...

Same Old Song and Dance

When you're the Minister of Foreign Affairs and you forget classified national security documents in the apartment of your Hell's Angels...

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