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"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

- John Adams -

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The goal of this blog is to discuss politics, economics and social issues in a rational, fact-based manner.  We need to return to using arguments as a search for truth. We are not living in a 'post-truth world';  the truth is always there, it's just that too many people are unable or unwilling to see it.

I worked in the Alberta oil patch for 25 years as an accountant. I have a Bachelor's degree in business and a Master's degree in Political Science, both from the University of Calgary. I am a fan of the Boston Bruins, Alice Munro, mountains, Trash Panda, golf, Westerns and Village Ice Cream. 

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Canada and the Theory of Cost Disease

Canada's economy has been sluggish for several years, with almost all economic growth attributed to the large increase in our population...

Appetite For Destruction

My wife bought some cherries the other day, which were $15.99 for 2 pounds, or 8 bucks a pound. That’s pretty expensive, no? Here's what...

Bait and Switch

One necessary skill a good politician must have is the ability to describe an idea or a policy in such way that it appeals to a large...

Brian Mulroney

Brian Mulroney, who was Canada's Prime Minister from 1984-1993, died on February 29. Mulroney was a controversial leader who almost...

The Stupid Party

John Stuart Mill said that “conservatives are not generally stupid, but most stupid people are generally conservatives.” He said this...

Things I Learned in 2023

The federal government is deliberately making housing affordability worse. When you get a large increase in interest rates, that is...

Porches to Patios

Driving north on Alberta's Highway 2 just before High River, you see a handwritten sign “Freedom”, with two faded, tattered and ripped...

Groundhog Day

On October 7, Hamas attacked Israel from their base in Gaza, killing some 1400 people, the overwhelming majority of which were civilians....

Notes From the Political Circus

Item: Alberta Premier Danielle Smith wants to steal Canadians’ pensions. The premier released a report on her pea-brained idea to have...

The Pathology of Greed

It’s uncouth to talk about wealth inequality. If you do, you sound like you’re bitter, or envious, or some kind of communist. So when the...

Brexit: Shooting Yourself in the Face

In 2016, the United Kingdom had a referendum on its membership in the European Union. The “Leave” side prevailed with a 51.89 percent...

Won't Get Fooled Again

Let’s rewind to the mid-1990s. Jean Chretien had just been elected Prime Minister, grunge ruled the music world and too many people were...

When Do We Say Enough is Enough?

Here’s what artificial intelligence (AI) can already do: let criminals clone your actual voice to call your loved ones and tell them...

Learning From Other Countries

I’m very lucky to live in Canada, which by every measure is one of the best countries in the world. Still, there are problems and things...

Another Meltdown?

On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) - a forty year institution in the tech start up business, a bank that helped companies like Cisco...

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